Z S G    Late Summer Timetable
Mondays to Fridays
also Saturdays and Sundays
1st September 2012 until further notice
Click here for details of the dates either one or both paddle steamers were "observed" in service during 2012

The paddle steamers normally only operate during fine weather
  motor vessel motor vessel motor vessel  
sailing number 105 107 117 sailing number
Zürich Bürkliplatz 10.30 11.30 15.30 Zürich Bürkliplatz
Küsnacht 10.50     |     | Küsnacht
Erlenbach 10.58     |     | Erlenbach
Thalwil     | 11.56 15.56 Thalwil
Oberrieden     | 12.03 16.03 Oberrieden
Horgen     | 12.12 16.12 Horgen
Herrliberg 11.07     |     | Herrliberg
Meilen 11.18     |     | Meilen
Halbinsel Au 11.26 12.26 16.26 Halbinsel Au
Wädenswil 11.38     |     | Wädenswil
Richterswil 11.50     |     | Richterswil
Männedorf     | 12.37 16.37 Männedorf
Stäfa     | 12.47 16.47 Stäfa
Uerikon     | 12.58     | Uerikon
Insel Ufenau 12.08     | 17.03 Insel Ufenau
Rapperswil arr 12.19 13.10 17.13 arr Rapperswil
Rapperswil dep - 13.30 - dep Rapperswil
Insel Ufenau - 13.41 - Insel Ufenau
Pfäffikon - 13.49 - Pfäffikon
Altendorf - 14.07 - Altendorf
Lachen - 14.13 - Lachen
Schmerikon - 14.40 - Schmerikon
next sailing 106 108 118 next sailing
  motor vessel motor vessel motor vessel  

  motor vessel motor vessel motor vessel  
sailing number 106 108 118 sailing number
Schmerikon - 15.30 - Schmerikon
Lachen - 15.57 - Lachen
Altendorf - 16.03 - Altendorf
Pfäffikon - 16.20 - Pfäffikon
Insel Ufenau - 16.28 - Insel Ufenau
Rapperswil arr - 16.39 - arr Rapperswil
Rapperswil dep 12.30 16.50 17.25 dep Rapperswil
Insel Ufenau 12.41     | 17.36 Insel Ufenau
Uerikon     | 17.04     | Uerikon
Stäfa 12.57 17.15     | Stäfa
Männedorf 13.07 17.26     | Männedorf
Richterswil     |     | 17.53 Richterswil
Wädenswil     |     | 18.06 Wädenswil
Halbinsel Au 13.18     | 18.18 Halbinsel Au
Uetikon     | 17.31     | Uetikon
Meilen     | 17.41 18.26 Meilen
Herrliberg     |     | 18.36 Herrliberg
Horgen 13.31 17.52     | Horgen
Oberrieden 13.39 18.00     | Oberrieden
Thalwil 13.48 18.08     | Thalwil
Erlenbach     |     | 18.45 Erlenbach
Küsnacht     |     | 18.54 Küsnacht
Zürich Bürkliplatz 14.15 18.35 19.15 Zürich Bürkliplatz
next sailing 117 - - next sailing
  motor vessel motor vessel motor vessel  
This timetable shows the paddle steamers normally planned to operate the sailings,
but steamer rosters are liable to alteration on a day by day basis

Alterations for Mondays to Fridays 2nd July to 28th September
Owing to the late completion of the overhaul of PS Stadt Zürich followed by further technical problems..........
   A motor vessel operates sailings 107-108 vice PS Stadt Zürich  
Further alterations for Mondays to Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 1st September until further notice
Owing to damage to the port paddle wheel of PS Stadt Rapperswil on Friday 31st August.all sailings on Lake Zurich will now be temporarily operated by motor vessels

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Updated - Lakes Brienz, Geneva, Luzern, Thun, Zurich, Konstanz, Maggiore, Como, Garda **th September 2012   e-mail   (c)2012 John B Bird